Łukasz “Krzaku” Krzyczkowski wins the Main Event at Poker Fever Series! News 30/11/2019The final day of the Main Event at November Poker Fever Series was played amongst 24 players. Before the finals...
Poker Fever CUP April 2020 Bez kategorii 28/11/2019Tournament: Poker Fever CUP April 2020 When: to be decided Where (click on the banner to see casino on Google...
Poker Fever Series August 2020 – 26-31.8 – CONFIRMED Bez kategorii 28/11/2019EVENT CONFIRMED Tournament: Poker Fever Series August 2020 When: 26-31.08.2020 Where (click on the banner to see casino on Google...
Poker Fever CUP January 2020 23-26.1 Bez kategorii 28/11/2019Tournament: Poker Fever CUP January 2020 When: 23-26.1 Where (click on the banner to see casino on Google Maps): Schedule:...
Win a free entry to December Poker Fever CUP! Events 22/11/2019As you might have already known Poker Fever lost its fanpage on Facebook. We decided to start a group to...
Poker Fever: Cash Game Bingo returns with easier tasks! (CZK 120,000 GTD) Events 13/11/2019This is certain! During the upcoming November edition of Poker Fever Series cash players will have another chance to earn...
Poker Fever Series: check the schedule for November festival! News 15/10/2019The schedule for November Poker Fever Series is all ready. We also have some interesting novelties in it. Let’s see...
Poker Fever CUP summary: Michal Riczak wins the Main Event News 06/10/2019The 12th edition of a mini-festival known as Poker Fever CUP is over. The winner of the Main Event turned...
IMPORTANT! As of November 7th we start Poker Fever satellites earlier News 06/10/2019Starting from November 7th all Poker Fever satellites will start at a different time! All the changes are due to...
Poker Fever Series – first look at entries leaderboard (results up to Sep 29th) News 05/10/2019There is still a lot of time left till the next Poker Fever Series, however the race for the highest...