Starting from November 7th all Poker Fever satellites will start at a different time!
All the changes are due to feedback we have been getting from you since the festival started. Many times you have indicated in your emails that satellites to Poker Fever shuld start earlier, and the most common argument was that many of you need to get up to work the very next day and because of that can’t play the online events till late.
As of next Monday Poker Fever satellites, organized at PartyPoker, will begin at 8:00 p.m. As you have probably noticed a certain number of registered players is required for each game so be aware that you need to register before 7:50 p.m.! Only this was will you guarantee the start of the game and make sure the tickets do not get wasted.
Schedule for Poker Fever satellites
- 6:00 p.m. – Feeder to the Main Poker Fever Series Satellite – buy-in just $1; minimum 10 tickets guaranteed;
- 7:50 p.m. – Recommended time to register!
- 8:00 p.m. – Main Poker Fever SERIES and CUP Satellites – entry fees respectively $11$ and $5.50

Poker Fever CUP – December 2019
You might have also noticed the tournament lobby already includes satellite events for the next Poker Fever CUP. The festival will take place between December 12th – 15th. We will keep you posted on the details in following articles.