As we are slowly heading to holidays time our editorial staff would like to wish you Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah or whatever you happen to be celebrating this time of the year.
What matters most is not the time away from work or next to a decorated tree, but a chance to be closer to the ones we love. Do not forget them while playing poker or doing other things that give you joy. Always keep in mind that they are the reasons why you work so hard on your game as well as your own development. Be sure to show them that you care.
It has been a great year for us and we do hope you enjoyed it too. It’s always a pleasure to write articles for readers who apprecaiate our work. Thanks for all the feedback. It allows us to offer you even better content and services.
We would also like to remind you that right away in January we will be waiting for you in Olomouc with the next Poker Fever CUP. Be sure to plan your time for the festival well and book a place in a hotel already!
After the mini-festival is over we cordially invite you to March edition of Poker Fever Series. Here you can check the details!
Happy holidays to all!